Maile McKain

Solar Term 14 | August 22 – Sept 6 Chaos Making sense of things is one reason why I started paying attention to the way Nature shows up in ourselves. Life can be very disorienting at times and I was looking for a place to orient in order to create a sense of order in […]

Solar Term 13 | August 7 – August 21 Hiking the big mountain peaks of the Canadian Rockies requires a level of focus and concentration that is unparalleled in my modern multi-tasking life. Walking across a scree field along the edge of a ridge leaves little room for mistakes. A small unfortunate misstep could require […]

Solar Term 12 | July 22 – August 6 I don’t tolerate the heat very well. As the days get hotter I seek higher and higher altitudes to escape the heat. This week I was fortunate to spend time in the high mountains riding my mountain bike through alpine meadows filled with blooming wild flowers, […]

The quality of nature that is significant in early summer is spreading. We can see this quality in flowers as they bloom, the petals gently spreading wide. Tree branches will spread out a bit further and reach towards the sun. It is found in birds spreading their wings to fly. And it is found in you as […]

How did this sweet little pea come into being? The delight we feel for this precious little pea is due to the marvelous transformation that has occurred, seemingly out of nothing, in becoming its full expression of life. If you were to contemplate the invisible origin of the smallest of delights you have harvested, you […]

At one time in my life, I had the most magnificent garden. It was located next to a river that roared deftly with the spring run off, swollen and mighty. In May, the garden would just begin to be productive. It would produce the smallest peas, made sweet by the cold nights. I would stand […]

The last two weeks were about setting your root by connecting with the ground. This is a metaphor for being in your body. This creates a sense of belonging. By belonging to the earth itself, being grounded, you feel more centered and balanced. This is the foundation for having balanced Earth energy. The physiology of water in our […]

Poison creek runs through our backyard. It is a diurnal creek fed from the snowmelt of the Wasatch mountains. In the spring I find myself standing on the bridge mesmerized by the ever rising level of swirling muddy water. I watch the thin red roots of the willows that line the bank grow longer and deeper. There’s […]