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Practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine is an age-old, scientific and nature-based approach to treating illness and injury, and to increasing general wellness. Based on observations of nature, the practitioners of TCM have spent centuries refining the practice of diagnosis and treatment. Chinese Medicine includes an array of treatment options, below are a few that we specialize in and o er to our patients most often.

After years of stomach pain, countless tests and dead ends, I turned to Maile to see if acupuncture and herbs could help me; within a matter of mere months my years of stomach pain had disappeared, and today, nearly 2 years later, I am so grateful to say that I am still free of these issues. I have continued to see Maile at Stillpoint Healing (along with all of my family and a lot of my friends) because I know that she can look at individual health issues in a holistic sense, she picks up on incredibly subtle details in my life and health that lead to healing solutions. Maile has successfully treated me for chronic back pain, stomach issues, mental/emotional stress, and everything in between. She has also helped me recently in preparing for and recovering from jaw surgery, I now consider seeing Maile as a paramount component to my healing and simply cannot say enough about how talented she is. Do yourself the favor and book an appointment, you deserve it!
Heleena Sideris